“Women are great at taking something technical and making it easy to understand. There is a need for women in this space.”
When author and journalist Rachel Wolfson attended the Bitcoin 2021 Conference in Miami, she was pleasantly surprised to see so many women participants. The increase in women inhabiting the crypto space is “very apparent,” she proudly noted. “When I started writing about blockchain and cryptocurrency,” it was a man’s domain.
Rachel was recently named by Next Web as one of the top five women working to change the world of crypto and was featured in Entrepreneur Magazine as an influential woman in blockchain.
As a guest on the BlockSolid Podcast hosted by SolidBlock Co-CEO Yael Tamar, Rachel highlighted the COVID-era Bitcoin trends saying that she is convinced that the cryptocurrency remains in a bull market and will continue to climb, as predicted by Alex Mashinsky, CEO of Celsius, and may reach $60K by the year’s end.
“I remember very clearly about a year ago, Bitcoin reached $12k and it was going up for the first time after a long time,” Rachel recalled. “I was so excited, I posted that on Instagram. A year later, Bitcoin is at $35-36,000.”
With regard to issues of safety and freedom, she continued, “Bitcoin is financial freedom, but in order for it to become mainstream, we are seeing the creation of regulations that ensure that crypto is not being used for illegal activity,” she explained.
Rachel is an enterprise blockchain analyst for Cointelegraph. Enterprise blockchain is used by many large corporations, as opposed to more public blockchain platforms, because it allows for a greater degree of restricted access to any given data. It can streamline business processes at source, track supply chain goods, or even resolve global payments.
Touching on the future of cryptocurrency in a global realm, Rachel pointed out the case of El Salvador, a country that formally adopted cryptocurrency. “That’s the real use case for Bitcoin, if you use it to transact in those countries where their currencies are just so ‘shitty,’ for lack of a better word. Bitcoin is a great solution.”
Rachel’s new book is Bitcoin: Down the Rabbit Hole: A 3-part beginner’s guide for buying, selling and “hodling” bitcoin on crypto exchanges (and PayPal!), with a foreword by Tim Draper, a legendary venture capitalist, and founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson.
To hear the full interview with Yael, and discover how Yael and Rachel are former workout buddies, click here.