SolidBlock Announces Yael Tamar to Assume Role as Co-CEO

I am excited and honored to announce that Yael Tamar will be  joining me as SolidBlock’s Co-CEO to help drive the company’s growth. Yael will also continue to serve as the company’s CMO. 

Yael has become an integral part of SolidBlock shortly after I started the company, joining me as a co-founder and the CMO. 

Yael brings to the role her intrinsic entrepreneurial spirit, having founded several fintech startups, a successful digital marketing business and an FMCG venture that was acquired, as well as over a decade of management experience as an executive, including for a company that went public during her tenure. 

Building on what we have already accomplished, I will assume the position of Co-CEO as well as CSO, focusing on honing our strategic direction and setting the company’s product direction as well. 

Yael will be working on raising the company’s seed round and brand building. She will also be responsible for SolidBlock’s team and processes management. 

Under our joint leadership, we will implement objectives and key results (OKRs) as well as a Holacracy-based system of horizontal company structure and management. Together we continue to strive for organizational excellence and growth to strengthen our partnerships, and to cultivate new relationships.

I look forward to leading SolidBlock in its next phase together with Yael Tamar,  my new Co-CEO.

Stay Calm & Make Money with Us,
Yuval Wirzberger

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Tamar Levin

Tamar has over a decade of experience editing and writing content in English for websites, academia, marketing, social media, and more. She has extensive knowledge in a large variety of fields including archaeology, history, sports, events management, tourism, real estate, and finance.

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