Real Estate Agent Reality in Times of COVID & Working From Home

Welcome to the second episode of SolidBlock’s podcast channel, “BlockSolid”, where Yael Tamar, SolidBlock’s CMO and co-founder, interviews different guests about an array of topics from the FinTech and PropTech worlds. Yael, with her upbeat personality and current questions, can make any subject an interesting listen, even to people new to the fields.

In this episode, you’ll hear from Teresa Grobecker who’s an international real estate technologist, investment banker, and founder of Consortia, which tokenized the world’s largest asset class, real estate. She created San Francisco’s first one-hundred-percent online real estate brokerage and is an equity partner at an international investment bank.    

Teresa and Yael speak about working in real estate during the COVID-19 pandemic, Teresa’s formula to become successful in business, what is blockchain and how it differs from crypto.

Tune in to our weekly podcast show on Spotify and iTunes to find out more about how digital finance and real estate can help you on your road to success –or click here if you’d like to get on an intro call with one of SolidBlocks’ executives.

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Tzivia MacLeod

Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod, an award-winning Canadian-Israeli author, journalist, and marketing/tech copywriter. And with a range of technical skills and numerous disciplinary interests and areas of expertise, along with decades of freelance experience, she bring a wealth of experience in a variety of technical, persuasive, and marketing fields to any project

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