Behind so many great businesses stands… a powerful woman

Haven’t heard of Naughty Banana yet? They’re a South African remote-based digital creative agency with a thought leadership blog showcasing women taking the lead in the marketing field. 

SolidBlock has always been proud to lead in our industry with a strong female presence on our management, executive, and consulting team. Case in point: cofounder and CMO Yael Tamar, who recently chatted with Naughty Banana’s Thabiso Kgabung. 

Thabiso asked her about everything from trends in digital marketing to implementing data and AI in property trading cycles – to her Netflix watch list and the (audio) books she’s loving lately.  If you haven’t yet read their cool profiles of women in marketing, start with Yael’s profile and then work your way through the entire list!

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Tzivia MacLeod

Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod, an award-winning Canadian-Israeli author, journalist, and marketing/tech copywriter. And with a range of technical skills and numerous disciplinary interests and areas of expertise, along with decades of freelance experience, she bring a wealth of experience in a variety of technical, persuasive, and marketing fields to any project

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