Institutional crypto investment: Key to economic recovery?

Are we in the middle of the worst recession since the 1930s? Or is the future rosier than many are predicting?

On June 11, SolidBlock is heading to what may be the most optimistic online conference of the year, BlockJakarta Digital 2020, where CMO Yael Tamar will be hosting a panel of red-hot panelists for “Investing in Crypto – High Institutional Demand Post Covid.”  Yael will be asking the question on everybody’s mind: is crypto is a safe path out of the global recession?

The year 2020 has certainly brought disaster for many, and traditional investments have taken a huge hit.  Now, as the world pulls into a recovery phase, investors are scrambling to find safe haven assets, and institutions are looking to protect their clients’ investments through diversification.

And that’s exactly where crypto comes in.

Come join Yael as she chats with some of the heavy hitters:

Among all these panelists, we’ll be covering just about every single corner of the blockchain and investment world.

This time around, Yael will be focusing mainly on institutional investment, a side of crypto that hasn’t gotten a lot of coverage lately. Banks, investment houses, advisors, funds – this session will dig deep to get all the answers about the role crypto is going to play in global recovery. 

She’ll be digging deep with all the panelists to hear about their recent experiences as well as their predictions for this period of uncertainty.

To sign up for this dedicated full-day event, featuring 600+ delegates, 30+ speakers, virtual booths, networking opportunities, and more, click through to get all the details. And if you can’t make it, but want to find out more about leading investments in the blockchain space, click here to set up a time to chat with Yael one-on-one.

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Tzivia MacLeod

Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod, an award-winning Canadian-Israeli author, journalist, and marketing/tech copywriter. And with a range of technical skills and numerous disciplinary interests and areas of expertise, along with decades of freelance experience, she bring a wealth of experience in a variety of technical, persuasive, and marketing fields to any project

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