SolidBlock is very pleased to announce that our marketing partner, blockchain strategist Yael Tamar, and board advisor Ido Shacham, a leading tax attorney and blockchain tax and regulation specialist, have been invited to join the international organization Foundation for International Blockchain and Real Estate Expertise (FIBREE) as co-chairs of the Israel region.
“We’re very excited about the opportunity this represents to bring FIBREE’s expertise and authority to the vibrant Israeli blockchain climate,” says Yael Tamar. “We also believe SolidBlock has a lot to bring to the conversation.” [add or remove or change whatever about what each side brings to the table! ☺]
[Can we get a quote from somebody with FIBREE? This guy got one from Achim Jedelsky …]
Based in the Netherlands, FIBREE is the primary international network for ongoing knowledge exchange between the real estate industry, the IT sector and blockchain technology. The organization brings together over 3,000 professionals in over 30 regions worldwide.
FIBREE’s recognition of SolidBlock’s expertise in this area is an important milestone which will allow us to work together to strengthen awareness of the importance of the real estate sector to blockchain as a whole.
The organization’s decentralized structure is perfectly suited to the conversation around blockchain because it can bring together stakeholders in different countries to pool knowledge around the common goal of democratizing the global real estate investment industry. As its name suggests, FIBREE focuses only on real estate, holding meetups and offering presentations and panel discussions at blockchain conferences all over the globe.
Like SolidBlock, a big part of FIBREE’s mission involves combating the hype around blockchain with real world best practices. The organization aims to create realistic expectations and develop a trust relationship between blockchain innovators on the leading edge of fintech, and the traditional real estate market in order to harness the true power of both.
We look forward to being part of the conversation at FIBREE and beyond.